Candy Monster

Hi everyone !

This my latest project done on my free time using Blender 2.90 !
The animation is done by the really talented Laura Picallo.

You can find the full project on Artstation following this link :!

I hope you’ll like it, any comment is more than welcome :slight_smile: !!


cool sweety creativity!

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Thanks ! :slight_smile:

I’ve always said that “live yoghurt” was a loaded phrase. Awesome work!

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Think this is the first time ive come across something which i thought was a bit freaky and morbid (cause of the eye) and also made me smile and happy… Great work !


Haha thank you Stan !

Thank you Joe !

Very creative work ! I like the shading of the monster’s head ! It is cute and horrific at the same time :wink: !

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Thanks man ! :slight_smile:

That’s pretty weird, and I’m a pretty weird guy, so…uh… That’s interesting how its body is made of multiple cones. And I really thought it was smiling (Did anyone else?) even though it doesn’t look like it has a mouth.

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Yes I think it comes from the way my friend animated it :slight_smile:

1st time i see an eatable Beholder !
No doubt noone will find him in dungeons, even willing to :stuck_out_tongue:
EDIT: hey this could be an epic campain ! find the candy BeHo :laughing:

Thanks and congratz for this nice piece !

Happy blending !

Haha let’s make this campain !
Thanks you man :slight_smile:

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Really nice and cute character :slight_smile: Great idea !

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Thanks ! :slight_smile:

The result is impressive, I highlight the simplicity and the colour palette

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Thanks Rafael ! :slight_smile:

You’re on the #featured row! :+1:

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If it has eyes, we can eat it.
Gotta love how it’s cute and creepy at the same time.

greetings, Kologe

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Thanks a lot :slight_smile:

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