Been a while since i’ve done anything in blender, and as a comeback project i decided to do something cannabis related, since i don’t think i’ve ever seen any 3d cannabis renders, at least not in blender.
I misread the title as “cannibals” all around.:o
@SterlingRoth, interesting bong shape,
adding more stuff
Its gonna be a tough job rendering it once its all finished, 470k verts right now and preview rendering is really slow; any tips for that?
Yeah, she wants strong light…
finally a marihuana related render…
You’re a dealer?
For the moment I find the lighting is too dark
Weed Moment
can we 3D print this? Interesting topic…add a translucent node to the leaf material…will allow light to pas through them
whaaaaat? you mean like poker dealer ,?:eyebrowlift:
Great idea for some blending. I did make a single leaf way back in the day when I was still learning modeling, glad to see that you are making a whole room.
Looks good so far, my mouth is getting dry just thinking about it!
My Bong’s name is Pete.