Cannot bake normal map

I cannot bake a normal map.

  1. I get an error message saying “No Valid Selection”
  2. These are the steps I did.

  1. May I ask how I can get the bake to work?

Try to shift select in the viewport. I’m pretty sure trying to select multiple objects in the outliner can get weird, probably because you also selected a collection, too.

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Ok, got one step further.

  1. Now I get an error message saying “No active image found in material”

Yea, you did not create a new image, in the image node click the New button and decide resolution etc for the image you want to bake to.

Oh and once done and happy SAVE THE IMAGE (or pack it into the blend file) before closing the file.


Thank you, that was the solution

Ps if you pack textures into your blend file and it makes your blend file really big, your autosaves of that file will start taking up a lot of disk space. So i think it’s better to not pack into blend file if you get this issue.

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What is all the red and green? Do I need to expand the bake some how?

Increase the extrusion input value.
It’s a problem that occurred because there was a part that didn’t fit well.

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Thank you very much

Why does the bake flip its normal? Why do the shadow indentations switch sides?


Did you set the normal map’s color space to “non-color”? This is needed for the values to be interpreted correctly.

I only have these two options for “Space.”


No, I mean on the image texture in the material editor, it’s not a bake setting.


Sorry this did not fix the normal flip problem.

Try to set it to non-color before baking (or re-bake it after the switch to non-color). This might not have been the only problem, but it is needed for normal maps.

Then, after you have baked the texture, you need to connect it to the material using a normal map node.

The set to “Non Color” was done, first.
Then I did a new bake.
I tested the normal map on the mesh, but it still came out the same.

It must be a setting of some kind.

I think this because I’m still getting these red and green issues, as well as the flipped normal issue.


Playing with the “Extrusion” does not seem to fix all issues.

The high poly and low poly look reasonable

the bake looks wrong here, as well

It could very well be because of the inverted sections. Those are areas where the bake picked the back side of faces, so they will cause visible problems, though I am not sure the inverted part here is one of those problems.

The model is a character? then you might need a smaller extrusion. If the extrusion is too big, concave parts of the model will have problems, the body will catch the arm in its bake and the arm will catch to body. If the 2 meshes are very similar, you will probably get away with a very small extrusion, 1cm might be fine. You need a value just big enough for the low-poly mesh to detect the tallest bumps and outcropping details of the high-poly, but no more.

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