Cannot engrave text

Hi, any idea why the text is not being engraved into the object? Thanks

Hello, any idea why the text should be engraving into the object?


Welcome :tada:…
…well… what do we see here ??

I wonder why mirror and also why no boolean modifier on the cube…

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did you convert your text font to mesh and remove doubles verts / merge

happy bl

Yes I converted it to a mesh and basically did everything in this video

Do I need a minimal vertices as possible?

…well… in fact your images do show us that you converted the text into a mesh… but still i wonder why you do not have a boolean modifier and why a mirror…
…and also there is some engraving… so:

You may have to elaborate this to get a more suited answer.

The result is completely different from the video lecture. :thinking:
It would be a good idea to watch the video again and follow along.

If there is an outcome you want, ask questions about it.

Thanks Okidoki, It was because of the mirror, I just thought it was easier to duplicate on the other side using a mirror.