I have made a 5x5 hexagon mesh that is around 48cm x 27cm which I extruded to be around 85cm high .
I have added a pyramid object and I am trying to do a boolean modifier (intersect) from the hexagon to the pyramid.
I am trying to end up with a honeycomb shape that is tapering from the outside into the middle (if that makes sense).
Whenever I try the boolean modifier I get the message: “cannot execute boolean operaion”.
I have removed doubles from the hexagon but it doesn’t seem to make any difference.
It’s because your honeycombs have non-manifold geometry: the kind of shapes that don’t exist in real life. As it stands, the walls of the tubes are comprised of single faces shared between tubes. These faces have no thickness, you could say they are infinitely thin, and blender doesn’t know how to handle intersections with it.
To fix it you need to add some thickness between the ‘tubes’. The tubes should not share any faces.
Thank you both.
I’ve added some width (albeit small) and I was able to use boolean in the way that I needed to.
The size of the honeycomb that I ran it on took a little time but I think that is me needing to learn how to prepare my mesh better and clean it up.