Cannot export the earth hologram into .gltf file with transparent and emission


Use the Principled BSDF node for these purposes.

For base color:

For transparency:

For emissive:

There may be problems when using other nodes.

Be aware that transparency (or Alpha Blend mode) is complex for real-time engines to render, and may behave in unexpected ways after export. Where possible, use Alpha Clip mode instead, or place Opaque polygons behind only a single layer of Alpha Blend polygons.

Good luck!

Sir thank for your helping , its mean alot. But what if there is a only pic i got for the globe , what should I do for the emissive and transparency

If possible, post the problematic .blend file. I’ll use your example to see how to fix this.

Do you have gmail , i cnanot send here because im new

direcmotiontblur @