Cannot get Molecular+ self-collision to work

Blender 3.3.2 (also tested with 3.0 and 3.6)
Molecular+ 1.1.10

Test file: particletest.blend (897.5 KB)

Everything works except for self-collision, all particles just fall inside each other:

I suspect this is somehow related to particle render scale, but if I go above 0.001 then it creates a big gap between the particles and the collision object. Either way I can’t get self-collision to work no matter what combination of anything I try. Any help would be appreciated as I’ve been messing around with this for wayyy too long :slight_smile:

You’ll have to run a simulation to get to the scene where the collision occurred.


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Molecular+ has the bake in an N menu which yes I am using:

Do you have non-plus Molecular and it baked properly with self collision in my example file?

There seems to be a problem with the setting, but I’m not sure.
You can ask at the link below.

In general settings, it works well when tested, but the attached file does not work. :sweat_smile:

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I think I figured it out. In regards to self collision, the stickiness on the collider cannot be too high. Settings higher than 1 caused self-collision to be non-existent. Less than 1 worked, and 0.1 worked well here.

And for the gap in collision when changing render scale, need to change the voxel size in Molecular and run emitter operator on the emitter object. Otherwise if you change render scale in the particle settings of the emitter object, it will create the gap.

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