Can't append a light from another scene. Why not?

Assuming Lights are something valid to append into your new scene, I don’t see why Blender won’t do it. In the scene where the light is now, it isn’t locked.

Any suggestions?

thank you,



Would help to have a blend file to test with. Also which version of Blender are you using?

Also have you checked the other layers of your scene maybe its on one of them, or somewhere at a strange position.

My guess is you appended the light. So the light is now appended. But because you appended the light instead of the object, nothing appeared in your scene. But the light you appended is actually in memory and can be linked to another light type object.

When you want to append the full object go into the object folder, not the light folder. Remember, the light is an object. Objects link data to the scene. Without that link, data just sits in memory.


I agree with Atom. Just add a new light (after appending), and the appended light will show up in the drop down list. Appendeing a light from the light area of the append screen is like appending a material. You can append the light as an object - Just append - object - light name.

thank you for that…I’ll have to try it. In chat, I got a somewhat different suggestion of pulling in the scene containing the light I wanted, then a few moves later, the light was actually IN my scene, and I could delete the other scene.

might be sort of the same as what you’re describing?


I don’t think you need to import a scene - just import the light as an object or a light (light meaning light type which shows up in your list of lights).

OK…I’ll make a point of trying that for myself with the scene and light in question.

thank you!


Basically, it works like this. Blender has a variety of objects. Each object points to a specific block of object data. In your case, the lamp object points to lamp object data. When you append from the Lamp subfolder, you’re only appending the Lamp object data, but there’s no object pointing to it. If you append from the Object subfolder, Blender pulls in the Lamp object and the object data that it points to. I know this sounds confusing, and it’d make a lot more sense if the OOPS schematic was still in Blender, but if I get a chance, I’ll try to put together a figure that explains things better.

i believe what atom and 3dmed are saying is just forget about the different scenes, just do:
file > append > navigate to blend file > object > lamp > choose the lamp you want

all lamps from all scenes will show up in the object list

on the other hand, you can do:
file > append > navigate to blend file > lamp > choose the lamp you want
but this is just data and when you link this data to a lamp you loose the position information, which is possibly what you want anyway…

sorry fw - simultaneous post!

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it’s good to hear these explanations…I think it’s giving needed depth to my understanding of how Blender treats these things.


just tried it…easy as pie. thank you!


Saved me (ten years on and you’re still helping people… woot!)

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