Can't find a way to Paint Particles

So recently i was trying to create a trail of particles by creating a cube deleting in edit mode all edges besides one, and using that point i created a trail of particles which looked great in theory and also a created a path for them but when i reached the point where i had to paint the particles it turned out that i could not , tried to follow an youtube video explaining how to create lines using particles but when he reached a point where he wanted to paint the trail he went on the material property and there he pressed the “halo” effect or mode and the particles appeared properly in my case i cannot seem to find where that it :no:


he went on the material property and there he pressed the “halo” effect or mode and the particles appeared properly in my case i cannot seem to find where that it
You are using the wrong renderer. For halo materials you need to use the Blender Render engine not the Cycles render engine.
Look at the top of the interface to select the one you want to use