Cant find menues

cant seem to find or acces these menues but seeing everyone who makes a video using them

what menu do you have in mind?
your screen doesn’t show any particular menu.

I assume you are using blender 2.9 or 2.8 and the screen is from blender 2.7
Tell us what operation are you looking and we can help you locate it in the newer blender.

i just noticed a very pale arrow on your screen. all options in this panel you can find here:

@jerzygorskiart is right, but as you’ll find, there are often multiple ways to do something in Blender. In 2.8x/2.9x, you have the drop-down menus at the top of the 3D Viewport, you can search for the tool (depending on your settings, that might either be by pressing F3 or Spacebar), there may be a context menu you can summon by a keyboard shortcut, or there may be a direct operation keyboard shortcut.

To access the sidebar (the menu on the right of the 3D Viewport, hover your mouse over the Viewport and press N. Let us know if you have any other questions! :slight_smile: