Can't find my nodes in shader editor

So, basically this one object has some textures on it, but in the shader editor no nodes are visible. But as you can see from the image, this object actually does have textures applied to it. I’m assuming I just scrolled too far out and lost the Principled BSDF node, since the space in this place is immense? Is there a way to find it again without having to search everywhere? This problem also applies to every other material in my project.

Oh and just to clear something up, I know in the corner it says “carpet 2” but that’s the name of the object, the material it’s using is carpet 1.

Hey there,

Where did you get that object? It is made by you or you have downloaded it somewhere?

No no, I made it myself

Okay, how then you made that texture? It is nodes or an image?

Its an image, made in substance painter. I don’t think that has anything to do with the problem though, I just can’t find the nodes.

Have you checked there for an another materials? Just click on that dropdown icon.


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In the node editor, use whatever keybinding you use to Select All and then press . on your numpad.


In shader editor, press “Home” button. This should get you back straight to your nodes, if you’re moved away too far from them.


Its the same material the object above is using, Im absolutely sure.

where’s the home button? I can’t find it

It is right on your keyboard.

Oh, sorry me. Seems like I didn’t quite understand you.

By saying “Substance painter” you’re meant third party software?

It’s a texturing software. I reimported the textures into blender before I was done

Oh, well, seems to me that if want to edit that texture - you need to do it straight from that app, but not from the Blender.

I don’t want to- I just wanted to find my nodes again to make sure everything was set up correctly before I exported it to unreal engine

Yeah I was a little confused but I’m using a mac so the keyboard is different from the standard one, but I eventually found the mac equivalent of the home key.

If you can’t find your nodes in a shader tab, that is probably because you haven’t created them yet. Try to add Principled BSDF & Material Output nodes manually and see what you get.

Just create those nodes and try to change Base Color, and see if it’s works or not.

No, you don’t understand. They were created, because I could see them on my objects material. I just lost them inside the shader editor. I eventually found them by pressing the home key. The problem is solved. I had already created them and I knew I had, I just couldn’t find them

Oh, okay. Glad you solved that problem

It’s pretty simple, folks… :smile_cat:


I found one fix, but it’s time-consuming.

Basically, pay attention at the motion of the Nodes in one Material, at the instant they get re-centralized (by Home or by A followed by Numpad Period, doesn’t matter).

The idea is to opt for a lead Material for a centralized standard, get that one centralized, and try to match all the other Materials to that standard.

You need to be swapping back and forwth between the lead Material and one another Material which Nodes would be Offset in relation to that lead Material. Everytime you change Material, you need to re-centralize (including the lead Material, because it’s the reference used as a ‘compass’).

Once you have spotted the Orientation & Direction that the Nodes, in an Offset Material, are ‘travelling’, you need to then counter that whole ‘travel’ (that we usually won’t see entirely!), by Grabbing those Nodes and Moving them in the same Direction they were ‘travelling’.
For example, if while centralizing them, they came from the ‘North’, then, Grab and Move them to the ‘South’, because that will cover the Distance they are ‘missing’, because they are actually ‘too far North’, in relation to… the lead Material you were look at right before. This is why it is important to be comparing the Offset Material with the lead Material, back-and-forth, and always re-centralizing them, before swapping Materials in the Shader Editor. In this way, you will always have the ‘compass’ at hands to fix this thing.

Some Offset Nodes may have to cover a huge Distance, but just do not give up (on Repositioning them gradually), and pay attention to the Orientation (sometimes, Nodes may be traveling diagonally). Eventually, you’ll be able to see, that swapping between the lead Material and the Offset Material wont need re-centralization anymore, because they are starting to match, or have been matched.

I hope they’ll fix this soon enough. :sweat_smile: