Can't get the edge straight

Hi! I’m new to blender and I’m trying to build a head of my son but i’m stuck because I got a problem with edges that are curved and I can’t get the straight. Is it because I smooth them somewhere or else?

I tried loop cut,extract knife delete face and rebuild face… it come back all the time. The edge are bended instead of been straight. Any Idea how I can get correct that?
Thank You!

It looks like there are vertices there. Switch into vertex view rather than edge view, and have a look. It looks to me like all the faces on this mesh are N-gons, with more than four vertices.

Don’t enable subdivision surface on the editing cage, that’s why it shows up like that.
Especially don’t model it on because it doesn’t show the real vertex positions. It’s good for minor adjustments.

i also thought that at first, but it looks like all the edges are bended. witch i would guess is cause he has subsurface modifier on.