Cant join meshes together with CTRL+J

Can someone advise how to physically merge the objects together? I have a 3d text object and a box and it wont let me join them, it says “no mesh data to join” the objects are both 3d and both intersect.

On a related topic, are there such functions as “csg-add” (physically add objects together), and “csg subtract” (carve using physically selected objects). If not, what have they been replaced with?

That’s because you don’t have two meshes but a mesh and text objects. Convert (alt+C in object mode) your text object to mesh first, then you can join it to another mesh.

On a related topic, are there such functions as “csg-add” (physically add objects together), and “csg subtract” (carve using physically selected objects). If not, what have they been replaced with?
Use the boolean modifier

Thanks i did all this but is was a waste of time as I wanted a 3d text domain object that blender would fill with liquid, however domains apparently have to be cuboids and simple so the program just crashed XD

If I made a 3d text, converted to a mesh, placed inside a cube, then did a subtraction operation and placed taht cube as a liquid-obstacle inside another cube which was a domain, set up a liquid-inflo inside the text space cut-out of the obstacle cube, then set said obstacle cube to non-render would that work?

Or can blender no do anything with fluids and complex shapes at all?

Also, where are blender boolean operations located. That help doc is from 2.6 and doesnt explain where to find them. Just what they are.

Thanks i did all this but is was a waste of time as I wanted a 3d text domain object that blender would fill with liquid, however domains apparently have to be cuboids and simple so the program just crashed XD

You don’t control the shape of your fluid by the domain object, you use obstacle objects. Ensure to read the fluid documentation so you understand the difference between a shell and a volume. There are many threads on these forums discussing fluids and how to get then best out of them.

Also, where are blender boolean operations located. That help doc is from 2.6 and doesnt explain where to find them. Just what they are.

under the modifiers button (spanner icon) in the properties window. I’d suggest you start from the very basics to understand the window layout and how blender works before using fluids. In one of your other threads I’ve given links to varous help/tutorial sites, make use of them.

Or can blender no do anything with fluids and complex shapes at all?

Yes it can (but don’t expect miracles), but you need to know what you are doing, this is where you are tripping up. I suggest you do some initial research on how things work, then it will be clearer when you start setting up your fluid sim and how to get then best results

Google search for “blender fluid domain” gives this result

Idk why you would want to substract it from a cube and not just use the text mesh but have you tried?

No, it can’t.

Of course it’s 2.6. You didn’t say if you’re using an older version of Blender so 2.6x is assumed because it’s the latest. Also, that doc says “Panel: Modifiers” on the 3rd line. Don’t know where the modifiers panel is? Google image search “blender modifiers panel” gives this