Can't make Mixamo animation follow path with walk speed

Hi, I have difficulties making imported Mixamo walk animation to follow a path. I have watched many videos, but can’t find a solution. I made it follow the path with constraint, but now it just moves too fast and it seems the origin is off. It is like 12m for 24fps/1s. How to make it walk with the original walk animation speed? Thanks!

Hi, can you post a link to your file?

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Hi, her is the file. I managed to follow th path, but now is too fast.

Usually the average walking speed of a human is 1.3-1.4m/s, is it possible to set this somehow in the animation?

Here is with the path constraint applied and below without the path constraint. I want the animation to be like below, but following the curve.

This might help:

If you delete the original hip forward keyframes and set the path animation frames to something like 1160+ and set the time line frames to 1000, it should work. without sliding.
See image:

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Thanks! I just found frames on path have influence on the timing :slight_smile:

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