Can't make Normal Map and Displacement map to work simultaneously


I am trying to make the normal map to work together with my displacement map, but it looks like one overrides the other or something like that, here is my node setup:

I also changed in the material tab Displacement to be DISPLACEMENT AND BUMP, but I still can’t make it work, help!

Tried uploading other images to show the problem, but I can’t due to being new user.

Using Cycles, Blender 3.0.1

Welcome to the site!

Maybe a silly question, you are using Cycles, right?

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This has also been my experience. The normal map seems to always override the displacement map. If you are not using actual displacement of geometry, try using displacement map as bump map. However there have been many times where the same texture used with bump node looks very inferior to using it as displacement set to bump.

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Thanks for the answer, I am getting desperated here, I’ve been trying to solve this out in the past 16 hours without any solution… Please help

PS: I need the displacement map, big time, since I need the displacement map exported from Zbrush

Set the color spaces to non-color data

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Thanks for the reply - Just tried it, same results

Does the displacement work if you disconnect the normal map? Are you sure you’re rendering with Cycles render preview and not material preview (top right in the viewport header)?

Schermafbeelding 2022-06-29 om 14.44.56

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Yes it does perfectly without any issue and it looks exactly the same as in Zbrush.

Yes, Cycles

Can you plug the normal map into the displacement node normal input? My last resort would be to update to 3.2 if possible. Or maybe try the experimental feature set? Just shooting from the hip here.
Schermafbeelding 2022-06-29 om 14.47.54

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I’ve managed to make it work doing the following, hope it helps or a better solution in the future!

By the way thanks everyone for the help! Specially @thinsoldier for the suggestion by plugging the displacement on the Bump node!

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