Cant make object single user no matter what

No matter what I do I cant make an object be single user. this messes up my exports. it just seems to be doing it automatically every time I make a new object. every object says it has 3 users regardless of what I do

Make you sure there aren’t any unapplied modifiers of that your object.

all mods applied. happens to brand new objects as well

You seems to have a very big monitor resolution… so in the video… it’s almost not recognizable what you are actually doing… so maybe make the window smaller or crop the interesting part ??

There must be something different with this object… is it a linked one ? (just another guess)

Odd that it acts as if it has multiple users when it shows it doesn’t :thinking:
It doesn’t appear to be linked or anything (there supposed to be an icon in the outliner for that, no?).

Could it be an influence of some addon?
Does it do that in a clean file?