I’m working on my Convert Rotation Mode addon to upgrade it to 4.2’s extensions platform. While submitting it to the extensions, I was pointed out that the operator still runs even when it shouldn’t be able to. Leading to errors and unfruitful operation.
So firstly, I made the operator’s button disabled as long as there’s no pose bone selected AND its dependency addon (Copy Global Transform) is disabled. It was as easy as updating the operator’s poll:
def poll(cls, context):
return context.preferences.addons.find("copy_global_transform") != -1 and len(context.selected_pose_bones) > 0
It works as intended. BUT I can still run the operator from the operator search (F3).
So the poll works for the UI, but not for running the operator?
I tried changing the poll to be more verbose to see if somehow the conditions were met when running from F3:
def poll(cls, context):
# return context.preferences.addons.find("copy_global_transform") != -1 and len(context.selected_pose_bones) > 0
addon_available = context.preferences.addons.find("copy_global_transform") != -1
bones_selected = len(context.selected_pose_bones) > 0
print(f"Addon available: {addon_available}, Bones selected: {bones_selected}")
return addon_available and bones_selected
But nope, even the console agrees that they aren’t, and yet it runs.
Addon available: False, Bones selected: False
So I tried a second method, make the operator unavailable to the Operator Search, which according to Operator(bpy_struct) — Blender Python API should be as easy as adding the bl_option ‘INTERNAL’:
class CRM_OT_convert_rotation_mode(Operator):
bl_idname = "crm.convert_rotation_mode"
bl_label = "Convert Rotation Mode"
bl_description = "Convert the selected bone's rotation order on all keyframes."
bl_options = {'UNDO', 'INTERNAL'}
But nope, it’s still available.
And finally, I tried brute-forcing it in the execute function:
def execute(self, context):
if context.preferences.addons.find("copy_global_transform") == -1:
self.report({'WARNING'}, "Please enable the 'Copy Global Transform' addon.")
return {'CANCELLED'}
Still not better.
I’m completely lost here. I don’t understand why none of these solutions succeed.
I made a different branch for these issues if you want to see the whole things as it is now: L0Lock/convertRotationMode/tree/fix-%2342-and-%2343
Thanks for any help.