Can't mirror ' Weight painting ' on symmetrical characters .

Hi, I have made human character, that’s completely mirrored on x-axis, using mirror modifier I’ve added an armature ( bones ) and, added ’ automatic weights ’ in the ’ Objects - Parenting ’ Menu, in Main window . . But, I Want to fine-tune the weights, if I can . . But, I don’t know how to mirror the weight painting, so both sides are exactly the same . .

I’ve seen there’s a button, on a page talking about the problem, called ’ Mirror X ’ in the options some-where, but my Blender window doesn’t have that ’ menu bar ', in the tutorial there are three lines, with options, my window only has two lines of buttons and, menus and, the 'Options - Mirror X ’ is not visible Or, Gone - - Please help

The way I know to do this is:

  • check Options->Vertex Groups on the mirror modifier
  • name your bones (and vertex groups) such that Blender recognizes them as mirrored:
    – they need a ‘.L’ and ‘.R’ suffix, like e.g. LowerArm.L and LowerArm.R

Then weight-painting the left one should mirror it to the right.

I found it, the other tutorials said press a button in a menu, I didn’t have but, it’s also located here, easy fix - -

I made a sharper image of it, this way when I need the ’ bone weight ’ in weight painting to mirror or, be symmetrical it just happens, No problem - -

It’s really annoying to to be able to symmetrize or, mirror weight painting, since the model is made with mirror modifier and, one wants a nice weight painting mirror painting style . …

It’s only open in ’ weight painting ’ mode, so go from ’ object mode ’ or, ’ edit mode ’ to weight painting mode, and Voila - –