Hi there, i created the instrument model and i want to render it on Substance Painter because i like to render with iray renders.
First, after finishing the texturing on substance painter with 2 seperated projects (main instrument and tune objects are seperated .fbx files and there is UDIM atlas for main instrument part). After exporting the textures, i have combined those parts and duplicated the tune parts in Blender, and exported them again.
I have just combined the parts and rotate the whole object, but when i reimported the mesh, the textures on substance project disappear.
I think that when you open a mesh in substance that has pre-existing textures, you need to load them separately in the materials settings. Or, if you have substance designer, you could export them as a single SBSAR file and just drop it onto your model from the material shelf.
I have substance designer but have never used. I don’t know if there is any way to copy texture layers or not but if, it could better. I will take a look to try to copy layers with different substance projects.
What i want to render is this (it is ok in blender):