Can't sculpt parented grease pencil layer

I’m having a strange problem that I can’t determine if it’s a bug or am I just missing something.

Wanted to make a simple bouncing ball with squish & stretch. Parented a gp layer of a circle to an animated empty to make it bounce, and then wanted to sculpt it for a few frames of the animation. Except I’m blocked from sculpting no matter what I do. I’m perfectly able to go into edit or draw mode and change the layer from there, but sculpting does nothing. It also doesn’t work if I animate the layer using its own transforms. Sculpting works fine otherwise, so I’m confused.

Blender version 3.6.10, although it seems the same in 4.0.

edit: just made a clean file from scratch to test this.
gp sculpt test.blend (220.4 KB)

Does the circle have enough points? Are you in the right submenu in sculpt mode? ( eg smooth operation will not do anything ) Of course you only have to sculpt on the last frame and use interpolate sequence.

yep, I checked for all of this, as well as other gotchas I could find online. I can sculpt just fine if the layer is unparented.

Well, it seems that the keyframe in frame 18 blocks the layer circle from sculpting, i am not sure how it got created in the first place. Both keyframes actually in 1 and 18. If i copy-paste everything in edit mode to a new keyframe the sculpting works.
I think the keyframe type is moving hold instead of the default one, that is the problem.

I think we’re getting somewhere! If I do the copy-paste in edit mode for every frame i want to sculpt, then it works on that particular frame, but no others backwards or forwards. So every time I’d want to sculpt a frame I’d have to delete it and paste it back in.

Another freaky thing I noticed is that even when it doesn’t work, sculpting does actually work, it’s just severely offset. If I use a huge brush I can catch the invisible offset circle somewhere in space. In edit mode, the proportional edit circle is also offset.

Ok, let’s take it from the start. 1. Delete keyframe 18, 2. Select stroke and empty and Alt P (clear parent) 3. In Edit mode copy-paste all strokes to frame 2 and then move this last keyframe to frame 1 (G -1) . Now sculpting works everywhere. 4. Go back to frame 1 ,select stroke and empty in that order and with Ctrl P parent object (not object (keep transform)). Turn off Multiframe if not needed.
EDIT: If Alt-P is not working you can just delete the parent from stroke object data. If you just change the parenting type to object and skip all the other steps there is an offset of circle’s position and you must move it back in place in edit mode.

Thanks for your time so far. This doesn’t do it however, because I’m trying to parent a grease penci layer, not the whole object. The steps as you describe them definitely work if I’m parenting the object, once I unparent the layer in the stroke’s data tab. But for the purposes of parenting only one layer, alt-p and ctrl-p don’t do anything, unless I’m still missing something.

Finally managed to dig deeper on this and found several unresolved bugs from years ago: #94263 - Grease Pencil Relationship Parenting problem,
#76903 - GPencil: Hard to erase drawing when layer parented to animated object,
#82793 - problem with parenting GreasePencil Layer to armature Bone

As well as a related vertex groups problem: Grease Pencil rigging : assign weight for the current animated bones but NOT on “rest” pose?

So I’m gonna call this one a loss. GP object parenting works, layer parenting doesn’t.

True, you should delete the parent straight from the object data menu. As for the second layer i am not sure if locking it prevents it from following the empty.
No, it does not .Maybe you should use an bone instead of the empty and assign the circle to the bone vertex group. Or a lattice modifier.

For the sake of completeness I tried these and they all have similar problems. Also tried hook with no faloff and it’s the most “useable” in that the layer shifts but is still sculptable lol. I’m sticking to parenting whole objects.