Cant seem to get Boolean working

Hi all,

I am trying to make the switch over to Blender 2.8 so I am doing some small projects to get started.

I have attached a few images to illustrate my issue I am having with the boolean modifier.

In the first image you can see the shape that I want to make, its pretty simple just a tunnel. I created a cylinder and I just want to boolean out a rectangle to. When I go through the process it doesnt seem to cut out the bottom of the cylinder.

What I am doing wrong?





It seems like something is happening if you look at the last picture. Can you share the blend file or post a screen shot of the boolean modifier?

Attch is the blen file.


Atunnel_entry_01.blend (588.1 KB)

That’s the oddest thing. I ended up just recreating a cylinder that was kind of like yours and the Boolean worked there. I think that if you were to start over with your cylinder and recreate it, it would probably work for you too. Here’s a test blend.

tunnel_entry_01 - scrapwork.blend (731.2 KB)

@alexworx Switch the boolean to union and it works the way you have it.

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@alexworx it’s totaly normal, your cylinder is not closed …

As the select non manifold function does select these vertices :

Just use the Merge by Distance function (equivalent to Remove Doubles in 2.79)
And here you go :

See you :slight_smile: ++

Ahhh yes, as @tricotou mentions, I didn’t check the geometry of the mesh but yes there is geometry issues with it so that needs to be fixed for the boolean to work properly.

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Thank you guys! This is great. I will remake this and fix my errors.

appreciate the time and the info.



Hi guys,

I never actually got my current cylinder to work, I did try the merge by distance function. I am sure its a user error.

I just remade the cylinder and it worked great.

Thank again


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