Can't snap mesh to face

Hello everyone!
So, I have a trapezoid I’ve created from cube using shear (not sure it’s the best way). And I have another mesh I’ve created using a SVG file. Now I need to snap svg-created mesh onto a face of the trapezoid to make a “reverse extruding” (not sure how does it called in blender) into trapezoid.
As settings for Snap I have:

  • Snap with - Center
  • Snap to - Face
  • Align rotation to target
  • Affect - Move

It works perfectly if I try it with horizontal faces, like top and bottom. But when I’m trying it with side faces - it snaps it in a strange way - without proper rotation.
I guess the problem is with my svg-source mesh, but I’m not sure how to fix it - like I need to make it “in one piece” or something, as now it has a lot of “polygons” (sorry if I’m picking wrong wording here, 3d modeling is really new to me).
What am I doing wrong here and how to fix it?

Welcome :tada:
…yes… snapping is a bit… overhelming… so much options… also the object origin has it’s influences…
…also because of all this… :

You may have to elaborate this to get a more suited answer. :sweat_smile:

hehehe … there is even a very very old thread about this… updated recently…


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Thank you for your answer!

hehehe … there is even a very very old thread about this… updated recently…

Yeah, saw that. Thanks for the tip tho
To be honest, not sure what nurbes curves gives me…
It just creates some obj i’m not sure how to work with
But btw, my svg-imported mesh snap perfectly on it :confused:

You may have to elaborate this to get a more suited answer

Wondering what can I add :sweat_smile:
I just want my one mesh on side face of the other

Hey and Welcome,

What about the shrinkwrap modifier… It might be what you are looking for:

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Thank you a lot for the suggestion!
Well…it looks similar to what I need
It placed obj on top of the surface just like I needed!
And now I faced another problem - I’d like to “push” this obj into my object. Like extrude, but…reverse… not sure how to explain better…
And when I’m trying to adjust “offset” setting it’s doing something strange, not sure it should be that way…

I’m not really sure what you are trying to do, but maybe one of the following suggestions will solve it.
First turn the snapping off and try to move the object again.
If that does not help, apply the shrinkwrap modifier and then just move or extrude the object as usual.

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Sorry for my bad wording and thank you for the help and for trying for help! Really appreciate it.

First turn the snapping off and try to move the object again.

Not sure how I can place my obj on face then? Manually by guessing correct angle?

I’m not really sure what you are trying to do

So what I’m trying to do is:

  • Take paralepidid
  • Make it trapezioid
  • On one of the side faces place SVG-imported logo
  • And then inset/extrude logo into the trapezioid, to achieve something like on the first screenshot, in a form of logo

But when I’m trying to do that after shrinkwrap - it seems strange to me.
In object mode I see it on the face

while on edit mode I see it also rotated for some reason

And when I’m trying to extrude it like that - it doing some strange things

I think you need to “apply” the shrinkwrap modifier in object mode first.
See the following screenshot:

The logo’s angle should be correct now.
Then switch to edit mode and try to extrude the logo. Before extruding it is probably better to turn of snapping, otherwise it might not let you extrude as you like.
I tried it with a plane (that could be your logo) and extruded it like that with the correct angle:

Hope it will work and help you out! :cowboy_hat_face:

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I think I just understood now what you want to do with your logo.
You want to imprint the logo into the side of the larger object.
Therefore you need to use the boolean modifer. It does not work the way you are trying to do it.
You can still use the shrinkwrap modifier to get the right angle. Then apply it. Extrude the logo then you have to use the boolean modifier. There are lots of videos how to do it on youtube. Just watch one of them. It is easier than to describe the process here.
After that you have the logo imprinted into the larger object.

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Snap rotation is alligned with Z-axis (turn it on under the object “Viewport Display” → “Axes”)
You have to align the Z-axis to your disired snap orientation.

snap.blend (106.8 KB)

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Thank you a lot for all the information!
I think I’m much closer to what I want to do.
So what I did:

  • Imported SVG
  • Deleted it’s “Material”
  • Converted it to mesh
  • Set Origin to Geometry
  • Applied “Decimate” Modifier to my SVG-imported obj to reduce number of faces (from 368 to 5)
  • Applied “Soligify” Modifier to my SVG-imported obj to add thickness

For all the steps above thanks to this video
And also @TripleTree ofc, for pointing me in right direction!

Now I have to place my obj on top of the side face with right angle.
But tbh, I didn’t find a way to do that correctly. After all the steps above shrinkwrap is not working anymore :frowning:
So I checked few more videos, specifically this and it says that snapping should work for me, but it’s not. And with snapping it looks like:

So I guess if I’ll not fix it - I’ll just rotate my object manually.

Thanks for the answer! Not sure how can I fix it :thinking:
Or mainly what does it mean in my case…
Plus my 2 obj have diff axes names placement - parallelepiped seems ok, while my imported obj have HUGE axes

Center the origin with Object->Set origin->origin to geometry
Take your sign and align the z-axis as shown in the picture.
For that import the svg rotate it with 90° so the z points like in the screenshot.

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Thanks for the clarification!
Did it

but unfortunately it did not change a lot in my case, just a diff way how it aligns wrong.
It sticks it one side inside, while I want it “face to face”

Tried diff align settings as well.

Can you upload the svg.

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Yeah, sure!
I took it from here

Resize it and apply scale

Then snap on the face and make a local rotate z with 90° (for local press xyz twice)
toyota.blend (105.1 KB)

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Nothing changed on my side ¯_(ツ)_/¯
It stills snap not on the face

Maybe my trapezioid is the problem, I dunno

Here’s recording of how I did it

You also need to select under “Affect” the option “Rotate”, see the following screenshot:

Then move the logo a bit hovering over the face and it should align itself just like in my picture.

Move the logo a bit out so that the half of it is inside of the cube.

Click on the cube, select the boolean modifier, use the little eye dropper in the boolean modifier’s options and click on the logo, apply the modifier.
Delete the logo and then you can see the imprint :cowboy_hat_face:

…et voila… a new Toyota is born :wink:

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Thank you for still trying to help!

But…it still doesn’t work this way, I dunno :disappointed:
It looks this way now:

If to use “Snap with” center:

other method looks the same as ^