This is a first attempt I made in modeling and using textures. I’m fairly new in 3D-graphics and Blender so any comments are welcome.
i love the cup of coffee, but i have to ask what the other things are with the globes on top?
also add a little more bump mapping on the table, looks like it already has it slightly but not quite enough.
keep up the good work mate.
Really nice Maybe the cappuccino is too flat, doesn’t look fluid, it looks like it’s frozen.
The cup is really great, I really like the Cappuccino label on it
Thanks for the comments. I’ll try to use your advices for the table and the cream.
@bizla - the ‘other things’ are glass-containers, where I leave it to the imgination whether they are filled with coffee-beans, or have a coffee-bean pattern glued on the outside.
oh i see now, nice idea
Really nice idea with the coffe beans, I think maybe you can try it with smaller beans
One thing I noticed is that for the front container the shadow doesn’t come all to way to the glass. I don’t have a clue how to fix that.
oh thats strange, i dont know whats causing it, make a screen shot of it in edit mode from a couple of different angles.
Looking at it from different angles, I found that the shadow does extend to the glass, but the glass itself casts a reflection on top of the shadow.
Further I made a few “adjustments”, based on the suggestions I got:
- resized the table, and added a bit of bump
- reduced the size of the coffee-beans to bring them more in proportion I think
- made the foam a bit fluffier
the cream on the coffe looks lovely now, with the closest jar though at the bottom there is a bit too much refraction to the table below it, try turning up the normal a little on the coffee beans texture too, will add a little more depth to it, and the table (im sorry to keep critisizing you, i do like this scene alot) looks like at the back its going into the sky a bit. its definatly getting there though mate
Thanks, Bizla, but I think I’m going to leave it as it is until I’m a bit more experienced.
Nice. I like the fact the beans are over-sized; the interpretation you have is artistic. Acuracy - for me - isn’t artistic.
Thanks, WB. I agree with your point of view !
fair enough, so whats your next project?
sinceyour still new to blender i would suggest doing all these tutorials to fully get to grips with blender,rendering, and texturing.
also check the comments section at the bottom of the page for even more
have fun.
I did some of these tutorials, but to get the most out of it you need to become a citizen member. I’m retired, hence on a limited budget so I try to get the most out of tutorials that are readily available. I’m not in a hurry…
oh i see, your doing modelling as a hobby more than as a job? it is very rewarding looking at your models when there done and knowing " i did that, not alot of people can do that" i’ll look forward to seeing what you do next