car project

Hi there,

just a render of my second car attempt, guess what car :slight_smile:


Your car looks very good, dns_di! The dirt on the paint and windows, and tires, is great! It’s something that helps the image stand out from the other car projects. Did you model the ground around the car as well, or is it just a background image?

Thanks James for inspiring words, everything is modelled apart from the very upper part of the image with water, that would be gimp.

looks pretty nice but i would change the angle of view or try a render were the car is in motion and gets dirty that way :slight_smile:

That’s really nice! I’d only check for double vertices just below the tailights… btw is that a usdm model? I mean, if it was an EU model I’m quite sure I could guess it…

@Eric Fondace
Eric I will consider that in final render, thanks for suggestions

@Impreza09, hint, thats japanese domestic market, legendary car by the way…