Car Studio Lighting Tutorial in Cycles

Here is a tutorial on creating a flexible studio lighting setup which is extremely useful for car renders, though could also be used for product renders.

Pretty interesting approach.

I never considered gradients for the background to create the highlights.

Regarding feedback the tutorial is well structured only your voice is hard to follow.
It sounds like you make many mini pauses when also forcefully speaking like
accelerating fast when speaking and abruptly stopping.

I am not sure if maybe you are nervous and thus have breathing issues.
At least this is the way it sounds.

A more fluid and calm speaking style might be easier to follow.

However the images are clear and speak for themselfs!


Thanks for that, I’ll try and improve on it next time. I usually find that people record their screen at full hd resolution, and when this is viewed at 360p on YouTube, it is very hard to observe what is happening, so I record at 720p, so that it is clear for people with slow internet connections. That’s my reasoning, since I also have slow internet :stuck_out_tongue:

You are welcome. Often a 30 minute tutorial takes me 3 hours to make with all the failed attempts.
I try to get the visuals steps and voice all done as well as possible.
I am not sure if I understand you when you talk about your reasoning internet speed and recording size.
