Hi everyone, I follow you for a while now but it’s only today I write my first post.
So, let me briefly introduce myself. (You can skip this boring thing if you want ).
My name is Jérôme, I’m 19 and I live in France where I study to be an ingeneer. I’m interested in by the art and I make a lot of photography. I’ve started learning blender 2 month ago and start a lot of thing without finishing it…
Currently, I’m trying to make a female body. I’ve only done the head but I want to improve it before starting to model the body. So tell me what you think and obviously comments and critics are welcome !
That’s not bad at all, there’s a few things I would tweak/change, the area between the eyes is too flat, the nose is a bit long and pointed and the lips could come up a bit. The ears might be a little large, the cheekbones could be stronger and the jawbone could do with a little massaging.
I think that’s a good improvement, the nose looks alot better now.
The area between the eyes looks a little sharp from this angle, I tried to spread it out into a triangular shape…
Also the same area from the side needs to be more acute…
It might also be worth filling out the cheeks a bit, give her a doughnut That will help with the corners of the mouth looking a little too far forward and the ears are still a little large.
Thanks LCG.
I’ve reduced the size of the ears a little bit this time. (I’ve forget the last time)
I’ve also make the area between the ears a little less sharp but I want to keep it thin.
But most of all, I’ve gave her some food and the cheek are now more bumpy.