Cartoon Bird Model

Hi guys,
This is my first character model which i think is worth posting here. I am not good at sketching and so I created this model from my mind and so I am not so happy with the design and the feel of it.I like my work to be a blend of cartoon and realistic work and so I would love to hear your feedback


Here is an update of the model

Comments and critiques are welcome

awesome character. one crit, is, the hands look a bit skinny in profile
(edit) also, the picard hair should be made of feathers, imo.

@Modron : Thanks… yes I agree after looking at the final render the white hair is not looking good…so will change it… :slight_smile:

A nice character and I really like the concept!

You may want to rearrange the collar and the tie, because a tie cannot be bound like that. I think the main reason, why cartoonist characters look so funny is that every single thing looks right and at the same time wrong, if you know what I mean.And the lighting needs some work, later on. You could try to incorporate at least one key light to brighten up the dark and very uniform black areas of the clothes and to set some highlights.

@minoribus : I think i understand what you mean…That is what is interesting about them…Thanks for the comment and i updated the render by increasing the strength of the lights and cleaning up the tie area :slight_smile:

Yeah, good progress. Do you have plans on rigging and animating him?

When you create the UV maps for clothes like the jacket, your seams should follow the real seams of such a piece. Just like a real tailor would place his seams. I hope you don’t mind if I post a quick paint over to show what I mean. At the right sleeve I also painted the inner seam.

Just in case you don’t know that already. Before you create the UV map you should apply the scale of the object in object mode (ctrl a -> scale). And after making the UV islands you can press ctrl a in the UV editor to make the islands having the right proportions in relation to each other. That makes the fabric texture appear at the right scale in all areas of the object.