Hi Michael - i enjoyed using your rig, because it was so quick to get started without having to mess about with add-ons etc - ideal for a Blending newcomer like me.
And the shapekeys were really nice - no probs with intersections or stuff looking weird.
I guess if i were to criticise, i would second the calls for more eyebrow control and a second spine controller.
[ Cessen, sorry to be pedantic back but technically, the first bone of the spine in this character’s armature, the one controlled by the Hip Controller, is acting as a pelvis, not a spine, isn’t it? So wouldn’t that mean Dragu is correct in asking for a second spine controller…? Or have i missed something? :0) ]
Also, i think Bone Groups would have helped distinguish the left arm from the right arm, fiddly things like fingers, lips eyes, etc, that it can sometimes get difficult to pick out from all the shapes.
The sliders on the face controls were maybe a little fiddly to see/use (tho, as mentioned earlier, the actual expressions where great!)
I found it kind of confusing that the IK and the full body controller were hidden in layers i didn’t expect (tho that might be a Rigify thing). I would have them unhidden as default but, again, a different colour, using Bone Groups.
I wasnt so keen on the circular helper on the neck - it was tricky to select sometimes, plus circles can do weird things with your perspective when you’re trying to see what direction they’re rotated in (but thats just a personal thing, i guess - the flip side is that its easy to ee whats going on with the mesh when your helpers are less chunky. :0).
These are minor gripes, tho. I really enjoyed using it, and look forward to more rigs from you hopefully… maybe a chunkier one? Or a girl? (Or even…errrr… a chunky girl :0) - big thanks Michael! And big thanks to the Rigify Guy also, while we’re at it! :0)
Here’s a short anim done on your rig: http://vimeo.com/24557305
PS: anyone have a link to a tutorial for the jaw set-up on the rig?