Cartoon Hero

-Am new to blender so I don’t know about UV mapping yet so I decided to keep things simple…

Ur feedback is welcome…

-I got rid of the flash logo cuz he’s my original character and don’t want him to be associated with flash although they look alike in some ways, I added my custom logo which am more happy with…

This looks really great.
I like your logo better than the flash logo it is more fitting.
This has come a long from page one too.

I am still one who uses the default blue background for my renders mostly because I havn’t come up with anything that I like to replace it. However, I do like how you did yours. Is that just a white plane with a white world texture or how did you set up your scene?

Just curious because I might need to “borrow” your technique.

Keep up the amazing work.

This looks awesome so far! The thighs don’t really look right, maybe they’re too big or something, but I still like it. You might want to tweak the material of the spandex too, it looks like rubber instead.

HJ05, I think I can answer for dark limit. Try hitting the OnlyShadow button on a plane’s material. It’ll make the plane completely transparent except for where shadows fall on it. (On my program I think it only says OnlySha…just look at the different buttons. I think it’s in the shaders tab. I have a render in progress right now, so I can’t really check.)

EDIT: Oh, yeah, and UV mapping can be real simple…depends on your model and how much you want to do I guess… Try this tutorial if you want to learn about it:

I think he looked better before you put that loin cloth on him

  • I like this one - more streamlined / kindof looks like Captain America:

Hey thanks Yippee that’s exactly what I was looking for. Takes a few seconds longer to render but well worth it to have something besides the blue background which I know is everyone’s’ favorite.

Now the next time I have something worth posting it wont be the blue background.

-Thanks for the feedback guys…

HJo5 - I have AAO on and I have a plane that curves like an L shape and I turned up the translucency…

-I know alot is wrong with him but it’s my first model and I have learned alot, so with my next model I will try to improve…

cool you did it! :cool:
you know what?! give the hero a look, you know, flying or on look-out etc and go for post-pro
create a story to make him come to life!.
I think Yippee is right on the thighs :confused:
what you think of copyright your hard work? coz must of heroes start from comic-books posters etc and before you know it, that character is a star! so do think of the big C or CC!
See you soon.

-Fahassani He is done for practice I have no intentions of having a story or pose for him, am leaving him as is…thanks for ur suggestions and support!

** I have tweaked his thighs and feet etc **

Great one! i would just replace the “B” (i don’t like the font, it seems to me too complex") for a symbol or a letter more like the S on superman, a stylized but simple one. Just a thought anyways. :wink:

-Mes thanks for ur feedback I agreed on the logo being complex and changed it to a design which I like even better…

-I added a weapon for him, trying to stay away from the typical gun for this model since he is meant to be simple…

nice, keep it up

I like the choice of weapon being a baton. Gives a rogue law enforcer feel rather than a spend every day fighting oversized robots to the death feel. Although he looks buff enough for both, should the need arise.