Montezuma and his bloodthirsty horde are going to rampage on Cosmopolis, in my upcoming animation, so I started making his head, and I made this cool alpha texture using the particle system among other things as well.
Subscribed to this thread!
It will be intersting to watch the progress:)
Interesting particle result is it possible to see larger image or some hints about its creation?
Well, it was just a matter of making strips of polygons, and giving them static particles, and then weight painting the strips to control the force. Then I made a couple of different types, by changing the randon seed, and scaling, and gave them all a shadless white material, and then rendered the white feathers on a black background to use as my alpha. I then took the alpha into dogwaffle, and painted some pretty colors where the feathers were, and loaded the colors and alphas into blender, and then UV mapped some strips of polygons to the image. Then I set the color and alpha as textures, setting them to UV and one set to col and one set to alpha. Then I bent the strips with the proportional edit tool, and arranged them a bit, and added the gold disc, and rendered them as a png with an alpha channel. The one I uploaded doesn’t have an alpha channel, but if anyone wants to use it as a texture, I will upload it.
Very clever idea!
Thanks for explanation!
I fixed some stuff that was bugging me, like his forehead. btw, I laid out the mesh so that I could easily add some ears if necessary, but I think he will be earless, because he’ll be wearing these decorative ear protectors, that are a part of the aztec warrior garb.
just a test texture of his head to give me an idea.
his hat ( minus the texture )
great - am looking very much forward…
thanks, and speaking of moving forward, I think I’ll move forward to modelling the body, here’s the finished head, minus his eyebrows and eyeballs.
“Cartoon Montezuma”
Very cool choice! I would like to make cartoon Montezuma someday, too.
I like your head model. Already fearsome face!!!
I’m love to watch your WIP.
Thanks, I added a few last details on the head.
Pink eyelids and yellow eyes - well that’s scary
Gewd. Pink eyelids aside, he’s the essence of buck-toothed evil!
thanks, yeah, I may make those a slightly deeper shade of purple, they are kind of ‘lilac’ right now. I might try making them more fleshy like the rest of his face too. but they are a shade too bright at the moment.
I like the concept so much that last night tried to model a character on aztec theme.
I think she is in love with your character
They both can dance like this and that will be a great idea.
Please go ahead, it will be a great inspiration for Blender user.
^ Ennnnnggggh. I’ve never closed a browser page so quickly in my life.
@Modron: your model happens to bear an uncanny resemblance to one of my workmates. Just so you know, there’s people having quite a bit of fun with your work already :evilgrin:.
Oh, good skin btw.
@Syziph: yeah, one can see the love in her eyes good one.
I don’t know of you should be posting pics of my wife on the Internet.
hehe, thanks guys, I have been busy the past couple of days so I didn’t check the thread, but the aztec maiden is totally cool. that is funny, that it looks like a real person. I was thinking it bears a slight resemblance to super wu man, on some level.
@PapaSmurf: I’m guessing your wife doesn’t browse these forums a lot I’d be sure to sleep on the couch when saying something like that:D
So Modron can we expect updates or are you fed up with this WIP? I tend to get that way when spending more then a couple of weeks on a project. That is probably the reason why both of my WIPs haven’t gotten any updates latley and I rather work on new stuff…