Cartoonish house.

Im sure most of you have probably seen something like this before, the trouble is i cant remember where, it looks familar but i cant place my finger on it. Im hoping to try and texture it tonight and see what i get, any help is welcomed:) thanks


Looks quite cool already! One question: what’s that thing that’s coming down from the roof? A drainpipe?

Yeh its a drain pipe, it goes through a drain which then goes into another pipe which take into the sea underneath the bridge:)

Finished it:D a bit rushed on the texturing side of things but i like it


Looks good. :slight_smile: Well done!

I like it too :slight_smile:

Nice style :slight_smile:

Thanks for the comments:) glad you like it:)

where is the little bridge on the finished render? =P

Well:L it just didnt look right to me, plus it was the last thing i tried to texture and i just couldnt be bothered really:L so i removed it:L

so uh…how do you get to the house now? :smiley: and who lives in it? if its a bird forget bout my question.
my first thought was that this would fit very well into spongebobs neighborhood :smiley: I like the style!

Erm, i would say some sort of dwarf or somehing?:L:L like a magical creature? and maybe this creature can fly?

Hahahah, excuses! Build the bridge! :stuck_out_tongue:

yea, true, I’m not really convinced :smiley: or modell the creature, i cant imagine it very well :smiley:

Aw, well its my model, and if i dont like the bridge, i aint doing it:L:L if i could model a character i would defo do it, but i have no experience on modelling a character:/