Case Closed

Greetings! I finally finished my rework of a contest entry I made a few months back.

My inspiration was the natural grumpy expression that many toads have.

The toad is sculpted and textured in Zbrush, everything else is modeled in Blender and rendered with Cycles (using SSS for the toad skin). Compositing was done in Photoshop.

If I were to do this again, I would have used nodes for compositing instead of Photoshop, as using PS made it very cumbersome to do more than minor changes to the render, after a certain point.

Not 100% happy with his expression (He looked more grumpy in WIP renders…), but I’m tired of looking at his face now. Time to move on.

Hope you like it!


I think the expression looks great and i love the film noir look.

I love it. Absolutely.

Mmmm, simply- elegant. Not sure why Mr. Piggy is in the featured bar and not this. Perhaps it’s because there’s a lingering stigma against using any applications besides strictly Blender/GIMP, which is a real awful shame. I say it doesn’t matter what software you use as long as Blender is part of your pipeline. Anyone who says otherwise is just jealous. Congrats on this wonderfully crafted piece, I’m sure you worked very hard! Here’s five stars, I’d give you a high-five if I could :slight_smile:

I like it.

csjones: Thank you :slight_smile: I spent a lot of time debating whether or not to use colors at all for the final image. Could be fun to push the noir look to something a bit more extreme.

EnV: Thanks!

fusobotic: Thank you. I can understand where the “purists” are coming from, but I agree with you. As long as Blender is used somewhere in the process, the result could/should be used to show Blender’s strengths and potential.

michalis: Glad you like it :slight_smile:

Attached a PNG with wires.


what are you waffling about? most of the featured works use external apps like photoshop ZBrush and many other paid for programs. and if you were to check properly the pig render has photoshop work for the materials, so your argument is completely redundant.
the only reason this isn’t featured is that: A, it has only been on the board for a couple of hours and B, it hasn’t had so many 5* ratings yet.

as for the render, an excellent piece of work. would make an interesting film :slight_smile:

@Small Didn’t mean to start an “argument,” simply pointing out a possible reason why some people may not appreciate this piece as much. Often it happens that others think that software somehow makes the artist better for some odd reason. All I was saying about the Pig is that this render has very much the same level of quality and should be featured as well. I don’t remember mentioning Photoshop specifically as part of my reasoning (GIMP is a fine alternative, and a software I used to use a lot), I was more worried about people being put off towards Zbrush. I’ve always felt like works are more inclined to be noticed if done primarily in Blender. And please excuse me, I didn’t know how long this or the other featured works had been posted for, and really feel like this deserves more attention than it’s getting. (and perhaps I was being a bit tongue-in-cheek :p)

that ok, not really taking it as an argument, just pointing out, that your observation was somewhat flawed.
as the rest of the quote, i have to disagree. art will be noticed on its quality and consensus by the community that a work is of a gallery standard. the software used seems irrelevant so long as Blender is somewhere in the pipeline.
I agree that this is worth featuring though.

Edit: actually it appears the Mr pig doesn’t have any 5* ratings so some other criteria must be used so i’ll stfu and harass someone else

Amazing project, congratulations!

Edit: actually it appears the Mr pig doesn’t have any 5* ratings so some other criteria must be used so i’ll stfu and harass someone else

5 stars ,ok, you deserve this. Nice work !

Simply fantastic. Great job! 5 stars from me.