Castle in the Sky


“Come run the hidden pine trails of the forest
Come taste the sun sweet berries of the Earth
Come roll in all the riches all around you
And for once, never wonder what they’re worth
The rainstorm and the river are my brothers
The heron and the otter are my friends
And we are all connected to each other
In a circle, in a hoop that never ends”

  • Pocahontas


Made in 3 weeks on my laptop while living in a campsite on the coast of Cyprus :computer:



A very nice image and the rhythm fits well

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Thank you so much! I was actually working towards the circle of life lyrics while I was making this but I changed my mind towards the end instead :slight_smile:

I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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You’re on the featured row! :+1:

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The architecture resembles Greek buildings, round with blue roofs. The way I see this artwork is as if it were Mount Olympus, with all the Gods and Goddesses gathering for a celebration or perhaps preparing for war – who knows…
Spectacular artwork!

Also, that’s one of my favourite songs from Disney :heart_eyes:

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Thank you so much Alina for your lovely message!

I’ve spent a lot of time in Greece over the last few years so I’m very inspired by Greek art and architecture! The plan for the artwork was to make my own personal interpretation of heaven from a spiritual and visual perspective. I loved doing this piece a lot and I think it’s the one I’m most happy with so far, DAMN those clouds though… my poor laptop!

Mine too! : D

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