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Definitely took some artistic liberty here :smile:
But it looks good. Probably better than anything i could do.

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Lovely m8!!!

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you are true :), thank you for the comment

thank you Loris!

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New updates are comming! Updated outer fortification and added blockout of the library.


some texture tests


Some updates on library and fortification


Coming along great!

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Thank you Julian!

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Hello, main library is done (and also most part of the foritfication). Next work will be focused on buildings in inner “circle” - shrine, stables, tavern, barracks and so :).


It’s really developing nicely!

I like the texturing, especially the main keep / library. How much of it is geometry (e.g. the cornerstones, the timbering) or is it texture painted? The rocky bases also look very nice!

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Thank you!
cornerstones and other smaller elements are made directly in model. I do not use subdivisions to hold polycount as low as possible. The biggest polycount eaters are saddly the terrain, trees and rocks :).
here is cutout of the wireframe


I´m trying to find right mood for the lighting now. There are still so much work to do…


It is a great start but a few areas instantly draw my attention… Just talking about the first image… the rest are far better but still need a bit of tweaking as below…IMHO

The tower in the foreground is way too sharp and abrupt, with it positioned as it draws the eye away from your main object, the Castle… Maybe if it were only partially in the view would help, or using DOF focus on the main Castle and let it blur out of focus so it isn’t so sharp.

The crenellations are too close together and way too sharp, it needs some randomness to break up the repetition…

There are several areas where the tiling of your texture is way too obvious. Again it needs randomness in the texture to break up the tiling, many videos on the web show how…

Keep up with the great start and see if you can make it better perhaps view a few real castle images to draw some inspiration from…

Happy Blending!

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Thank you very much for suggestions and feedback I´m working now on the textures tilling and also on the other buildings in inner castle circle. I will try to make new update soon :slight_smile:

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Hello, tried to make a new night ligting setup. Also tiling of the textures is reworked now. Other thigs are still in progress.


Another very nice piece of work to add to what is already an incredible portfolio :wink:

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Oh thank you very much!!

Chapel and vegetation update