Cat Rescue (10 cubes, Heros)

“Hero to the Rescue”

(Blender 3.6, Cycles)

I’m a little late to the party. Let’s see, if I can catch up :slight_smile:

It’s astonisching to see how many iterations I still need to reach the final render. even with only 10 cubes. The challenge really shifts the focus towards composition and lighting.


And just before you grab them…


:joy: hihi

But looking at the way my hero is hanging at that ladder, it’s more likely it becomes the other kind of “cat rescue Fail”. :sweat_smile:

Silly human, thinking that cat needed to be rescued… that cat was just living its best life up there :sweat_smile:

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Wonderful work, the lighting and composition are spot on!

It is amazing how constraining the process doesn’t constrain creativity. All of the thought that goes into making a beautiful image is still present, only concentrated into the minimum elements needed to form the image.

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