Caterpillar Track Development - No Physics!

I’ve only been away since last Wednesday! Unfortunately I am now back…

Yep it’s a big missile, takes quite a few warheads too…

Cheers, Clock.

Mmmmm Maja! :heart_eyes:

K.I.S.S - A good maxim I think and Granddads know best. :brain:
My YouTube Crap :rofl:, My Silly Website :wink:
@Gumboots: “You are completely bonkers!” - I agree with him :yum:

The tank tracks are really impressive, Interestingly , my son who is doing a games development course just did a tracked vehicle, but he baulked at the idea of animating the tracks, which is a shame. trouble is they have been teaching him 3dsMax, and his lecturers have the usual attitude that blender is not kosha software, “you never know if its got malware in it”.(I kid you not), sad thing is I’ve never used 3dsMax so I can’t help him.

Very nice rocket launcher, btw. though I don’t think I have seen one that colour before.
If it would help, I could lend you one of my guitars.:guitar:

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Thank you for the kind words, I decided to rip up the manual for tank tracks and start again, it seems to have been worth it.

I, like many others who have worked in the real world, still cannot believe the prejudices of those in education, I employed a student on a 6 months work placement contract and had to restrain myself at times from “decking” his lecturers, so totally disconnected from the real world were they.

Like you I know nothing of 3dsmax, or whatever is called, but I did do a quick search and didn’t like their pricing model compared to Blender. :money_mouth_face:

I will get around to explaining my tank rigs, but I am currently trying to swat for flying exams, so much to learn at my time of life. :t_rex:

Also someone has asked me to rig a glass of liquid that automatically sloshes about as you move the glass, getting there, but not far enough to report it here.

Cheers, Clock :sun_behind_small_cloud:

PS I have the guitars, just not too much ability to play them… the missile launcher is painted in “dessert camouflage” and yes that is spelled correctly. :grin:

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Hej Clocky,

when I saw this on the top row, I immediately thought, that must have been from you: Pink-tank
Well, it wasn’t, but sure would have been worthy of your style, I would say! :slight_smile:


Thank-you, I appreciate that, but my work is not worthy of the top row yet… I am however working on it.

Cheers, Clock.

Now then, whilst you lot have been enjoying yourselves and up to no good, I have been playing with a new node of mine built to animate the liquid in a moving vessel. Sounds very interesting I know so I thought I would show the video here:

So you can all enjoy it whilst I am away from most things on the beautiful island of Tresco. When I get back I will carry on with the tracks and wheels here, maybe!!

Cheers, Clock. :roll_eyes: