Hello, here is my latest personal project.
I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!
Fabulous work here.
Thank you!
Thank you, for picking my work! Great weekend to you too!
Nice work, especially the materials Out of curiosity, why no shoes?
Really great work!
I’m really curious about the sculpting and texturing details…
Are the sculpting details done with a stencil or is it also texture displacement? Maybe a mix of both?
Where can one learn to make those kinds of rock and stone textures?
I was wondering the same thing and my guess is that it makes her more stealthy.
she paid too much on the pedicure!
beautiful work !!!
i like that she is barefoot !
beside her costume looks like batmans alot ! maybe she became the 2 !!?
Very lovely sculpt and model and great design.
I am curious about the sculpting and modeling process too. If OK to ask ? Was it all made in Blender ? Is the detail sculpted or a texture ?
The costume design is great and unlike so many modern day super hero costumes actually looks real world practical and as if it could be realisticaly and comfortably worn thoughout a long day or I guess night. I love the bare feet look. It helps make her seem super casual and very relatable and quite dancer like here.
Yes, exactly!
Hi, and thanks for the kind words! The sculpt wasn’t done in Blender, I still need time to get used to sculpt in it. I used displacement maps for everything - the body itself the costume and the fine details. I used this project to get familiar with the workflow of Udims displacement maps, it was a bit tricky until I understand that in blender every udim map should have suffix 1001, 1002 ect. i mean it can’t be 0001, 0002 Once I understand that, everything went very smoot
Thanks for noticing that thing about the costume I was trying to represent more realistic type of suit!
Oh… I think it would have been better to include it in your post from the get go that there are some parts not made in blender x)
So for the displacement maps stuff, do you mean maps that were sculpted and then made into displacement maps or were they available textures that were stenciled in? Also how much of hand-painting did this require?
Sorry for being so insistent in asking about your art process lol. Very impressive work either way!
It’s interesting that the others talked about her being barefoot but I also notice that she’s barehands too! Interesting mix of costume and wild features :v
Hey if that is your original costume design then it is really great.
Works as a Catwoman and a superhero costume but yes feels like it would actually be practical and light breathable and comfortable to wear as well. Super hero movies seem to have run aground of late. Perhaps they are going the way of the Western at the end of the 60’s but if they are to survive perhaps going more real world practical in aesthetics is the only fresh take left.