Cave render with statues and stuff

Not too satisfied with the result, I would love some feedbacks on this.
I love the part with the car but I feel something is wrong with the composition but I cant really tell what.
Maybe in the first place what I wanted to do isn’t very clear, so I’ll let you guess what it is lol


Hm. The composition seems alright to me, if you want the focus to be on the bishop (?) statue, to whom all the other statues seem to be paying close attention. He seems to have something important to convey – maybe he is blessing them. They look like they were statue-fied after forming this tableau; alternatively somebody very strong arranged them. :wink:

But no, I don’t see what you’re intending here – maybe it’s an allusion that falters on me not knowing or recalling the reference. There seems to be a stranded ship up in the left corner? And a life ring from it in front of the guy. A wrecked car, which seems incongruous in between all these old-timey statues. For a moment I thought maybe this is underwater, but the plants behind bishop-dude don’t support that, and the light isn’t quite right for it either. Sorry!

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Thanks for the feedback ! Nah the idea was simply to have, as you said, some statues ( with the bishop being the main focus ) in a cave which happened to be some sort of dumpster on the surface.
Basically maybe it was like a cool site and humans threw things above and kind of destroyed it

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And here I was, desperately looking for the deep meaning! :wink:

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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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