It’s an idea I’ve had in my head for a while, base mesh is pretty much done for now but there should be more to come by tonight. Made with Blender, yada yada, cycles, yada.
Looks good for a base mesh, though it seems to be leaning to the right, while most stalactites/stalagmites/columns go straight up and down, as they are formed by falling drops of water.
The pillars run up and down, as you say. The tilt comes from the camera angle. It was an accident at first, but I decided to keep it because of this documentary on cinematography that I once saw. It made a point that if a camera is tilted slightly then the shot loses the comfortable structure that humans seem to like so much, this is useful for scenes of awkward dinner conversations or creepy dark caves. The pillars are fairly parallel with the floor.
Currently, I am working on phosphorus rocks for the scene. The lighting scheme has changed dramatically because of this, but it’s pretty close to what I had in my head. It’s by no means realistic, however it is very nice feeling. Once it’s done I’ll post a render.