Cave/tunnel system

I’m trying to model a cave system in 3d.

I am an avid caver and have an insight on the structure of a particular cave. Also, I have sketches of it as reference.

I’ve been trying different techniques, but I have been focusing mostly using curves (bezier curves in particular) to somehow plan out the general structure as sort of tunnels and then perhaps work with the different rooms/adjoining passages to resize the structure in accordance with my memory/sketches.

I worked on the idea of using a bezier circle and use it as a bevel object to follow the curve in order to form a tube-like structure.

But this I find complicated because I haven’t found a way to sort of “branch out” the tubes to accommodate the different junctions in the cave.

And anyway… even if this were achieved, I would end out with a uniform tube-like general structure which is not what I want. I’d need to work on it extensively to open up and model e.g. the different caverns within.

I would prefer to work with cave system dynamically so if changes need to be made to the length/positions of each “branch”/ size of caverns etc that they can be changed in an efficient manner.

Remember that this is not a “flat” cave - the passages stretch upwards/downwards and in all directions including corridors, large caverns, shafts and fissures.

Grateful for any techniques for structuring caves/tunnels.

Thank you.

If using a Curves approach, here’s how I’d do it. Although I’m not sure I’d do this with curves. Seems better to use the already mapped out cave in your images as a rough blueprint for initial hand modeling, then remesh that and in the end, sculpt the final result. But anyway.

(Note: Values are arbitrary, change them to your liking. Made a quick demo video, you may want to skip until the end, to see the result pertaining to the steps below.)


For step 1, activate the built-in addon called Add Curve: Extra Objects.


  1. In Object mode, Shift-A > Curve > Single Point Poly Curve.
  2. In the Curve object’s Data properties: increase Depth to something like 40 cm.
  3. In Edit mode: select a point then E to extrude.
  4. Scale chosen points with Alt-S.
  5. Create branches by selecting a point between two other points then E.
  6. Rinse and repeat steps 3–5.
  7. To get a better end result, and to mitigate some glitches that likely occur, add the following modifiers:
  • Subdivision Modifier: set to Level 3.
  • Remesh Modifier #1: set to Blocks and Octree Depth to 9.
  • Remesh Modifier #2: set to Voxel and Voxel Size 20 cm.

This should give you something to work with. In the end, you will probably have to accept leaving the non-linear workflow and destructively apply modifiers, then model the cave in Sculpt mode as a second phase.

You may also search for cave mapping (software) on github…

…this seems to be interesting for a general mapping project (not explicit for blender)

there are (of course also) multiple projects using lidar or photometry data…