I want to make the dumbbell fall on the fruit bowl and break it so when I add cell fracture on the bowl it removes some part of the bowl and add some chunk of stone like things on it and when I delete those the parts of bowl deletes with it as well. any solutions guys?
The fracture tool can be a bit buggy sometimes, but here are some things to try.
First, go into edit mode on the bowl, select all and press shift+n to make sure the normals are correct. Also, use “merge by distance” to make sure there are no overlapping faces.
Then, in the fracture settings, set the noise value to something other than 0, I have seen 0 be buggy.
Try putting a particle system on the object. When the fracture tool is set to “own particles”, it will use any particle system you put on the object to control the number of fragments.
If that still doesn’t work, try setting the fracture to “own verts”, it can have a different behavior and sometimes, that solves the bug.