February 23, 2015, 11:38am
Hi, I`m pretty new to blender and are going through a bunch of tutorials.
I`m using Blender 2.72 Cycles render engine
Cellfracture_Test.blend (1.8 MB)
I`m having som strange behavior in the Cell Fracture addon,
This is how it look like after Fracturing in the Viewport.
and this is how it looks like after rendering??
the material of the shards seems to disappear.
Could some one please help me?
What am I doing Wrong…
February 25, 2015, 8:08am
Hey … just to be sure, what’s the problem? You expected black inside the debris?
February 25, 2015, 9:51am
Hi, Thats what I
m trying to achieve:)
But I may do something wrong…
February 25, 2015, 10:25am
Hi,Yes i want a different material inside the debris, but i can`t get this to work.
February 25, 2015, 6:16pm
when you fractured, you told it to use material slot 2 for the interior faces… but you didn’t actually assign a material to slot 2!
fastest way to resolve it now that you’ve got a bunch of shards is to pick one, create a material in the second material slot, then shift-select the rest of your shards, and select control + L, and tell it to copy the materials.
February 26, 2015, 9:09am
Aha…:o I have totally overlooked this, that you can assign multiple materials to the same model:p
It now finally works!!
Thank`s for enlighten me:)