cell shading and shadows\dark areas

is there a reason y they don’t seem to play nice in blender have tried everything with this d=1274049144 setup but with out any luck searched the forum but didn’t really find a good answer …is cell shading and dark areas or shadows not doable in blender


you could have loaded the pic here

so what’s wrong with this ?

and what do you mean by cells?

happy 2.5

shadows dont appear or are very faint and dark areas aren’t…well…dark
I’ve tried everything I know still no go and my knowledge of nodes aren’t good

as a test

before filter

after filter

first may be change your title in forst post to nodes …
at least it would refelct the type of problem better here i guess

i did the render in 2.5 and it looks ok but depends what you want to do here
can you describe what your node set up is supposed to do here!
so did you use 2.5 here or 2.49 ?

how did you get this render cause when i did it in 2.5
it came out all in color so how did you get this dark render ?

and last sorry to ask
but what’s the trick to do the quote you did - never use this trick before !


um I dont quite understand your question, as I said I dont really quite understand nodes very well, yet,… hopefully… the node setup isn’t mine, I found it here Scarlet Squirrel Girl +Cell Shade Filter and I also read that other toon/cell shader attempts have trouble with shadows and light transitions I,m simply trying to determine whether anybody has a solution to the problem, look at the images I posted, the first image has a dark backround if there is no light available things get dark right,… look at the second image the shadowing/ darkness thats supposed to be the background isn’t what I expect i.e. its barely dark at all, I which pretty much want my render to look like the first image i.e. lit character, but background fading to black to indicate very little or no light in the background, but looking toony…i hope I’m making sense

and as for the quote thing its the “reply with quote” button right next to reply :slight_smile:

bit still how did you get this black render?

i mean i render as is with 2.5 with nodes and go the bright render
so what did you do to get the dark images ?

i check out the link for the nodes and it’s not available anymore !
did you follow precisely the nodes set up ?
can you show the original nodes set up!

happy 2.5

the first image is what the scene looks like before the toon filter(nodes) are applied in second image is after the toon filter is applied

the dark area in back of the character is due to the fact that it is in closed in a elongated box to simulated a long hallway, there is a single light source that moves with the character as a test…remember a long hallway or any enclosed area for that matter, will become increasingly darker as a light source moves and there is no other light source to compensate. so the first image above is what would be the expected render lit character= foreground and hallway fading to darkness=background, now look at the second image the toon filtered one, there is no dark background, which is the wrong result.

there seems to be issues with toon effects and shadows with blender in general anyway ,it seems, based on other searching and I also realized that edges are being rendered for object that are completely hidden by other objects as well, so I may really need read up on nodes and rendering in general and see if I can get a handle on this thing

thanks anyways

sorry but not getting this balck render yet !

when looking at the nodes setup the output shows only the color image

unless there are links not shown still cannot get this black render image

so can yo tell if there are other links to be added to get this black render!

hope you find what your looking for here

but your right i think in 2.5 it’s possible that there are still some bugs with some of shadows effects
plus nodes

happy 2.5

u have the squirre girl file right? create a box, flip the normals and scale it until it surrounds the girl and the light, for greater effect u can add a directional light
point down or whatever just come sure the everything is inside the box, make sure all the shadowing option are on, and then render, now remember that the toon filter is a post process, so there is an initial render, if you pay attention u should see your render complete with shadows before the node setup kicks in, then they disappear

in fact I did it for u, I used 2.49b hopefully this helps

see next post


CellShadeFilter_room.blend (320 KB)

um I there was somethings I missed new fileCellShadeFilter_room.blend (320 KB)