Cellophane - node setup

I wanted to share this. Any input is welcome, since I am open to newer methods all of the time. I came across a new tutorial 1 month ago (16 blender tips) and found out how to make CELLOPHANE or flat glass without the IOR. There are many ways, but this is the best I have seen so far.

And you need this setting for the cellophane too:
Sample 005

Here is a picture from eBay of what I wanted to create.
Sample 003

Here’s what I created. Needs tweaking depending on the camera view and what HDRI I choose.

I now use the “Separate Color” node and a ‘ColorRamp’ for my Roughness on product boxes. It is a time saver and uses less resources. Here’s the link to that tutorial on 16 Blender tips:

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here are some ways
How to make a cellophane plastic shader/material? - Blender Stack Exchange

might help

happy bl

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Thanks. That works good. That method doesn’t require changing anything in the ‘Object Properties’ menu. Now I can join multiple objects into one object with multiple textures and still have shadow and visibility.

first examp works fine
second one you need to lower the alpha for transparency

happy bl

I added that new cellophane material to my ASSET Library for quick usage. I tried it on a few inflatable bags and it looks good!

Here it is again with the update.