Censoring Machine #12

The machine used to enforce artistic
correctness to the human race from their
overlords the Pipe Wrench Nation.



It makes me think of Dalí with Robt. Williams and James Rosenquist thrown in. You win the Blenderartists.org No-Prize for Best Surreal Image of The Year! :smile:

Nice work , makes me think of salvador dali. awesome :+1:


Hey thanks everyone! BTW gtomorrow, I’m honored to receive a No-Prize on BA…hahaha :laughing:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

this looks like a torture tool !!!

You’re on the #featured row! :+1:

Are those “King Dick” wrenches?
Not a made up name

Wow, what a surprise! Thank you! @Tardisrepirman, never heard of “King Dick” wrenches
but I love the name…laughter! Just modeling some tools that I use at work and ended up
here :smile:

This is so good!
I love this wrench creature :smile:

Interesting concept.
Makes me think of Futurama’s ‘V-Giny’:

greetings, Kologe