Center artwork in 3d viewport

I do not have a keyboard with a numpad.

When panning around in the 3d viewport I ALWAYS loose sight of my model. It’s terribly frustrating and an issue that I only seem to have with Blender. How do I realign the viewport to a selected object. Since I don’t have a keyboard with a numpad I go to view > frame selected…but that doesn’t seem to fill the frame my object so my models are still off in the either.

You can also go to Preferences > Keymap > 3D View > Frame Selected and set it to something different.

cool. thank you for that, however frame selected doesn’t frame my selected object. It swings the view around, but there is nothing there.

Errr… it should though :person_shrugging:

…does it fail to frame the default cube in a clean file?

seems to frame that default cube in a clean file just fine. What gives?

I should add that panning and zooming is buggy as well. They start off well, but then as I try and get tighter on an object they randomly slown down as in they will not pan or zoom except in tiny increments. Don’t know if that’s related to the other issue?

Doh! User error. I had my view lock set to a specific object. Can’t remember why I set that but once I turned it off frame selected worked again.


:+1: Thank you for telling this… some people just blame it on blender (or any app in general)…or on the devs… :wink:

Maybe this encourage others to “just work with the tool”…