I’ve continued my pursuit of better visualization of CFD (computational fluid dynamics) simulations. Here are some renderings of a golf disc CFD mesh (produced by using OpenFOAM’s SnappyHexMesh). Very simple abstract art. Interesting shapes in reflections.
Nice too see CFD here. I try to include Paraview results un Blender. X3D run good but i try now tout animate results !!
Here’s another quick test render using VTK To Blender Particles node (WIP) in BVTKNodes. So, those arrows are particle instances. Gonna be useful!
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It’s great to see that you are moving forward with this. We are in progress of setting up a 6dof simulation of a disc golf disc in order to obtain the flight path for a given disc shape. It is quite challenging to implement it efficiently=) I really hope that we will be able to use the tools that you build on the visualisation phase of our project.