CGTalk Challenge: Strange Behavior- $90,000 in prizes!!!!! has opened a MASSIVE contest entitles “Stange Behavior”. Details can be found here, along with a prize list.

We’re incredibly proud to finally announce CG Challenge XXI, “Strange Behavior”. It is completely free to participate in and we encourage everybody to join in! Its also the richest CG Challenge we have ever run…

                     with over US $90,000 total value prize pool!

This challenge draws on one of the most popular artistic themes – unusual behaviors and relationships. Whether it’s a giant robot admiring a fluffy teddy or a sheep in wolf’s clothing; a cow that thinks it’s a helicopter or a warrior going into battle dressed as a giant pink bunny – they all make you stop and think. They also stimulate discussion – what one person finds funny another thinks is demented. Unusual juxtapositions and humor allow us an unprecedented freedom of expression. They can also bring us closer as we laugh together and at ourselves.

Just thought that it would be nice if some of us Blenderheads entered. Good luck, everyone. :eyebrowlift2:

was just about to post the same thing. Well good luck everybody!

This CGChallenge notably includes a screenplay for a short film “Art Gallery”. Like the last CGChallenge, we’re encouraging team video entries, this time in the form of short film adaptations of the screenplay. The prize categories have also been revamped to better highlight excellent works.

Why not a group entry from blenderartists? TeamBlender?

I want that BOXX workstation… :stuck_out_tongue:
Too bad I’m not good with Blender (yet).

dressed as a giant pink bunny
Maybe project peach can enter the contest…

Yes, the BOXX is definitely a good reason to enter. How much do those things normally cost anyway?

Why not a group entry from blenderartists? TeamBlender?

It can’t be too big- there’s only so many prizes to go around. The short film prizes look like they’re made for a team of three or four.

Peach could enter indeed, a bunch of bunny’s could qualify as strange. And the institute could use it’s own copy of 3dsmax:p

I think I may enter the animation cat. Scary, there’s a bunch of competitors there but maybe it will light a fire under my butt to get a project completely finished for a change. I won’t even think about actually winning anything. I’ll just consider it a learning experience with a deadline.

Lots less entries in the short film cat but I wonder what chance a completely CG short would have against live action / CG entries. The winners of the last one were a team of pros with access to a blue screen studio and equipment -and their entry was most impressive.

Hmm… I wonder if this could be THE job for killing two birds with one stone, so to speak. I thought to do my final thesis about animation or 3D in general. This could be really good opportunity to me for doing that and maybe even get some prizes while at it (one can dream, right) :wink:

Have to contact my instructor immediately…

Everyone who has the time needed, give it a go!

i apoligize for the horrible typing coming up, im on a norwegion keyboard. its a lot more different than the american keyboard im used to.

project peach would definitely be a legitimate competitor, and iæm sure that they could really use one of those slick workstations. good luck to you all.

I have an idea, but I don’t think I have the material and lighting skills to make it worth entering…:frowning: Not to mention organic modeling and animation.:frowning:

If anybody feels the need for a total blender noob to lend a hand in this competition, I’m available! :smiley: