Chainmail Geometry Nodes Help Needed

Hi, Blender peeps. I could really use some help!

I am really no good with geometry nodes, but as far as I can tell, using them is the best way to accomplish chainmail in Blender. I have tried to get a decent result on my own, but I just keep going in circles and becoming more and more frustrated.

There are two issues that really bother me with where I’m at:

  • Even though my mesh is quads and is relatively evenly dense, scaling the links results in some areas being connected and looking decent, while others will be filled with gaps or have tons of overlap. I want to know if there is a way to have the instances scale relative or based on location? (Ex. maybe with a gradient so they get larger toward the bottom?)

  • I’ve tried to align the instance object so that it follows the normals of the coif mesh; however, the instances begin rotating as they wrap around the object. That is to say, in some places they link up vertically, and then eventually begin flowing horizontally. I would love to control this so that I end up with rows in only one direction. Is this possible?

It should go without saying that I have no idea what I’m doing (!), and any and all recommendations about how to accomplish this task are welcome and very appreciated.

Have you tried higgsas’ amazing tesselate node-group?

Good luck!


Immediately better results. Thanks so much!

Render using Higgsas’ nodes.

Thanks so much, @zeroskilz !!!