Challenge #1061 "I Robot" (20/10/23) Entries CLOSED

I was not aware of this but I kinda want one now

the smaller ones are available. :smiley: it’s a fun … instrument … to play. helps if you’ve played a fretless instrument or a theramin, if you want to make decent sounding music with it, though, and not just fun noises. :smiley:

Here’s my entry, Cleaning Supervisor

Pure, cycles, except downloaded woodgrain texture.

I spent forever on fur. No matter how I play with it, Particles or the new Curves, I just can’t get the nice fur/hair results that I see in the tutorials. It’s always a frizzy fluff. Combing never seems to get 100%, in fact to much combing and the hairs disappear under the source object.

Oh well. keep trying.

We bought one of these vaccums for my wife’s parents, ut they don;t have a cat. There’s some good online pictures of what happens when it hits a doggie surprise without realizing it.


What’s inside your cyborg?



Fire up the voting machines!

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